Egg Cup
Egg Cup
100% Acrylic glass
Available in Bordeaux translucent, or in clear translucent
Multi-purpose cups
Designed by Oliver Haffner
Produced in Austria
Laser-cut and hand-mounted together
Ready to ship in 1-2 Days
The OH Egg Cup, designed by Oliver Haffner,
is a minimalistic approach for a tableware item.
The eggcup is designed to simply and elegantly
hold an egg, small round fruit & vegetables & various objects..
2 laser-cut acrylic glass discs
held in place by three round translucent acrylic glass bars.
The top disc has a large hole to hold the egg &
the bottom disc has a small hole in the center to stabilize the egg.
The OH Egg Cups can be ordered in various translucent or solid colors.
This manufacturing process ensures that the OH Egg Cup is dishwasher safe.
Person responsible for product safety in the EU:
OH Interior Design e.U.
Wohllebengasse 11/13,
1040 Wien